How do I Join?

Go to the Tab "Membership" and select from the drop down menu "Join AAIA".  It will explain the membership types, dues, and what to expect. Here is a link to the page:  JOIN AAIA.

How do I register additional users to my organization's membership?

Please send an email with the users' names and email addresses.  They will be sent a temporary user name and password to access the website within 24 hours. For questions about membership, adding/deleting/modifying names on membership roster, organizations interested in learning more about the AAIA, and anything membership-related, send email to

 What is the difference between Group/Airport Membership and Associate Membership?

Group/Airport Members make up the majority of our membership and are usually an airport or airport authority; but, also include cities, counties, and states that oversee the airports in their region.  Each airport has a membership, and the people that use the membership benefits are registered members.  Associate members are generally consultants, like CPAs and specialists, that have an interest in airports.  An airport member needs to sponsor an Associate member before they can join.

Why do I apply for membership? 

To assure that you are getting the right membership type and level.

How can I pay membership fees? 

You can pay online with a credit card or can pay by check.  When making payment, you will be asked how you would like to pay.  If you select, "Bill Me" on the payment page, you will be sent an invoice.  It may delay access to the website.

If you need to pay by wire transfer, contact:  You will be sent wire transfer instructions.


Who do I contact with a billing question?

Please contact for questions regarding billings, payments, and financial matters.


How do i get a link to an upcoming conference, webinar, or meeting?


Why can't I access Member's Only features like the Forum, Webinars, etc.

Dues maybe outstanding.  Contact

I can't remember my username and/or password.

Contact to be sent your username.  You can also request your password to be reset at the same time.  They will be emailed to the address that is on your membership roster.

If you know your username, you can select "Forgot Password?" and it will ask for your username or email, and a temporary password will be sent to you with instructions on how to update.

I am not getting emails from the AAIA.  How do I go about "whitelisting" or "safelisting" emails from the AAIA?

It depends on your email provider and/or security service.  Here is a link to an article from Constant Contact that explains the steps to take for numerous email providers/security services such as Outlook, Yahoo, and others:  Safelist Email Addresses.  Here is the same article copied into a Word document:  Safelist Email Addresses Word document.

 The Forum's email addresses look different.  Are they safe?

Yes.  They are actually called "handles", and for each Forum topic, there is a unique handle.  It allows you to respond to Forum questions and topics without logging onto the website while still populating it with your response.  Every handle should have the extension ""

It allows you to respond to Forum questions and topics without logging onto the website while still populating it with your response.  Every handle should have the extension airport-auditors.


Who do I contact about the Annual Conference?

Please contact  You can also suggest ideas for conference topics, speakers, and other conference related topics.

 Who or what is Vieth Consulting and Member Leap?

Vieth Consulting owns Member Leap, and it is the AAIA's web hosting partner and platform for our website.

My question isn't on the list above.

Contact with your question(s).